Social Vote @foursquare @twitter

Social Media has indeed become very ubiquitous.  So much so, that many users don’t even think of it as a “thing.”  These days, it is natural to see people checking e-mail, logging into Facebook, chatting with friends via IM, sending out short messages on Twitter, and checking in on Foursquare… all from the comfort of their cell phone.

It’s 2010: Enter the vote.  Two of your favorite Social Media tools have set up live tracking to cover the upcoming election in the United States.  The best part?  YOU are the reporters.

If you know of any other sources for election-related information, especially live feeds that can be viewed through Social Media tools, please share them in the comments section.

And, if you’re a Foursquare user, check in at your polling place on election day, and receive a slick new voting badge!  Hey… free electoral nerd cred!

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