Ten Ways the Original Battlestar Galactica is Still Better

CylonRaider-sl1Everyone knows that the newest BSG reincarnation is superior to the original.  Far superior, in fact.  Hotter chicks, better special effects, better writing, better actors, hotter chicks…  If you disagree with this, you probably think TV peaked with “Space: 1999.”  But, believe it or not, the original series was actually superior in a number of ways.

10.  The original Cylon ships were way cooler.  In fact, I submit that there has never been a cooler looking (imaginary) space ship ever created for a TV show or movie.  If Darth Vader had had a few of these babies in his inventory, Skywalker would’ve shit his diapers.

9.  The original Colonial Vipers are also cooler.  I’m especially fond of the hairspray nozzle booster jets.  And the wings, which are totally unnecessary in space.

8.  “Atlantia death squadron… attack!”  Damn right.

7.  PEW-PEW-PEW!  That’s right.  Lasers.

6.  The theme song.

5.  Commander Adama rocked the Army Military Intelligence Corps insignia.  The Viper pilots also wore them.  But Adama rocked them.

4.  Pre-A-Team Dirk Bennedict.  The Face before the Face.

3.  The original Cylons are so much more iconic and bad-ass than the newer Toasters.  The humanoid Cylons in the new series may be hotter, but nothing beats the original metalheads.

2.  Lorne Fucking Green.  Do I really need to elaborate on this?

1.  “By your command, imperious leader!”


Posted in Humor, TV | 1 Comment

Ten Reasons Why…

Ten Reasons Why the 10 Reasons Lists are Crap

10.  The writer has a very limited scope of experience, yet feels free to project their world view and belief system onto everything and everyone.

9.  Straw man arguments.

8.  Tin man arguments.

7.  Obamacare.

6.  There is no reason 6.

5.  Why are you still reading this?


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On Eating Bitter

“If you really want to screw someone, pay them a compliment.” ― me

GoodJobCompliments feed the ego and make the compliment-ee feel good.  In turn, they also make the compliment-er feel good about making the compliment-ee feel good.  But what actually results from our happy, overstuffed, corpulent egos meeting the cold, agnostic reality that binds us all?  Cognitive dissonance.

You’ve been told all your life how smart you are, how much potential you have, what great things you’re destined for. Perhaps you even believe it.  You’re a polyglot, a polymath, you’ve served your country, earned advanced degrees, seen some of the world, you play a musical instrument, and you have an IQ of over 150.  Congratulations.  Really.  These are not bad things.

But, when you (and all that goes with you) find yourself broke, unfulfilled, unhappy, and working your ass off for barely minimum wage, you start to question reality itself.  Is this how life was “supposed” to turn out?  Eventually, this questioning turns in on itself and the real culprit behind this injustice: you.

Surely, you are the real problem, right?  Actually, no.

The cognitive dissonance (i.e., bullshit) you’ve been swimming in your entire life has programmed you in ways that don’t jibe with reality.  It’s like trying to run FORTRAN on your iPhone.  It’s kind of a cool idea (in a certain nerdy sorta way), but ultimately… iOS responds with, “FOR-WHAT???”  Lest you start to question your programming skills, you need to realize that it’s just the wrong environment for that particular syntax.  In less nerdy terms, you’ve been indoctrinated by less-than-helpful BS to thrive in a BS-only reality.  The fact that you’ve come to believe the bullshit is actually the problem.

To be sure, self esteem is important, but it must be real.  It must be earned.  Unrealistic compliments, no matter how well intentioned, can ultimately serve to fuck you in the long run reality game.  Thunder is fine, but if Thor didn’t have lightning to back it up, he’d be nothing but fart gas in the wind.

Allow me to share a favorite quote with you:

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On!’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
― Calvin Coolidge

The Japanese and Chinese cultures both have proverbs related to this.

Japanese: 苦有れば楽有りku areba raku ari. I’ve seen translations ranging from “No cross, no crown” to “No sweat, no sweet” to “No pain, no gain.”  None of these, in my opinion, cuts it.  I would prefer to translate it (a bit more literally) as “Without hardship, there can be no comfort.” Another similar proverb I like is: 良薬は口に苦しryōyaku ha kuchi ni nigashi or “Good medicine is bitter in the mouth.”

Chinese: 吃点苦chī diǎn kǔEat Bitter.  Short.  Simple.  (Not so) sweet.

Eat your turkey and counting your blessings on this Day of Thanksgiving.  But also consider having a side order of bitter.

Posted in Budo, Japanese, Philosophy | 2 Comments

Here it is…

People have started photoshopping me into memes.  The least they could do is to start with a large, high-quality source photo.  Here is that photo.

Hack Norris

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On Service

Taking part in an OPFOR exercise at Mt Fuji as a youngish Combat Interrogator.

Mt. Fuji (c. 1994) – The author as a youngish Combat Interrogator during an OPFOR exercise against Aeromedevac crews from the 374th Medical Group, Yokota AB, Japan.

I never went to war.  I wasn’t Marine Recon.  I wasn’t Army Special Forces.  I wasn’t a Navy SEAL.  I wasn’t a USAF PJ or TACP.  I never strangled a Nazi with my bare hands to prevent him from trying to destroy your freedoms or murder your puppy.

Much of what I did involved force protection.  What that means is that I watched the backs of the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen who were much closer to harm’s way than I was. That’s about it.  The closest I ever came to combat was very nearly getting caught up in the sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo Subway in 1995.

One job I held was Linguist Debriefer/Interrogator (AFSC 8D000).  Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?  I even went to a school called “Combat Interrogation.”  Macho, right?  I know.  We also happened to have (and, I believe, still have) the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel, lowest promotion rate in the entire Air Force, bar none.  When I was in this career field, there were 4 people in my rank (including me), worldwide.  It was so mathematically impossible to get promoted that some of us started (jokingly, of course), plotting the elaborate deaths of our colleagues.  The CC of all USAF HUMINT even visited my unit to apologize and talked about plans for a mass meritorious promotion for everyone… just to “fix” the problem.  (It never happened.)

I did get to take part in some interesting things that most people will never get to know about and work in some places that most people will never get access to.  Some of what I was involved in even made it into the international news.  On at least one occasion, something I did ended up in the President’s Daily Brief (he may or may not have been awoken in the middle of the night because of me).  They even gave me a medal for it, but I can never tell you the who, what, when, where, why, or how.  I also got a meritorious citation from the Director of the CIA for that thing I did with that guy in the place.  A few people, maybe even someone reading this right now, might know about some of these things, but that’s about it.  The rest of you are out of luck.  Sorry.

As is sometimes the case with the nature of the jobs I performed, my actions may have ultimately resulted in injury or death, but I will never know.  I never had to look someone in the eyes as I pulled a trigger.  I never had to look for IEDs as I drove my Nissan from the barracks to work.  I slept in a bed, not in a hole I had to dig with a spork.  I experienced death, but it was never in the form of trying to stuff my best friend’s guts back into a gaping cavity that used to be his torso.  I led a particularly cushy life.  I even enjoyed a lot of it.  The nature of my service was honorable, but mediocre at best, and I never rose past a staff NCO rank.

In retrospect, I probably wasn’t even cut out for military life at all, even the comfortable version that I lived.  The only reason I joined in the first place was that I had no other real plans.  The only reason I stayed as long as I did was that I had no other real plans.  That said, I did take the oath.  And the last I checked, there was no expiration date on it.  Nor did I rescind it.

If you want to thank me for my “service,” I’ll accept it.  But don’t be surprised if I’m a bit awkward in my acceptance.

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Hacker’s Rules for Everything

  1. Slow and steady wins the race.
  2. It ain’t a race.
Posted in HackerHaus, Philosophy | 1 Comment



Please make sure you know what you’re talking about before you talk about it.

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On Negative Thinking

We are often told that we shouldn’t think “negatively.”  This sounds nice, but what exactly does this mean?  What are negative thoughts, anyway?  And what effect do they have on us?

I see negative thought as manifesting in two forms:

  1. Self-destructive thinking that reduces us and leads to or worsens depression.  (I suspect this is what most of us think of when we hear “negative thinking.”)
  2. Thinking that emphasizes “don’t” rather than “do.”

Let’s take a closer look at these two different, but related, flavors of negativity.

#1 – I have heard that the average human has over 300 “negative” thoughts per day.  Assuming 8 hours of sleep per night, this comes out to roughly one negative thought every 3.2 minutes of our waking lives.  These thoughts don’t have to be dark or self-destructive in nature.  A simple “ugh” first thing in the morning… a sigh when you notice how tight your pants are getting… getting pissed off at the jerk who cut you off in traffic… all of these chip away and make you less.

In this form of negative thought, you create your own self-delusional echo chamber in which only an ever-worsening self image can bloom.  You will attract only further misery because your ego has determined that misery is all you are worthy of, and it will, by God, prove it to you because it cares about your well-being and doesn’t want you getting hurt (by something other than it).  We all know how much the ego loves to be wrong, right?

Make no mistake… this kind of thinking enslaves us to a life of exponentially diminishing returns and is nothing short of Münchausen by self-proxy.

#2 – This one may require some explanation.

I often hear people say things like “don’t do X” or “don’t screw up Y.”  These messages are negative in the sense that they don’t tell us specifically what to DO, but rather vaguely reference what we DON’T want to happen.  Unfortunately, our brains don’t work this way.  The only concrete parts of the messages like these which the brain can grasp are “do X” and “screw up Y.”

Don’t believe me?  QUICK!  Imagine a dog not chasing a car.

What did you see?  A dog sitting down?  A dog playing fetch with a frisbee?  Whatever it was that you saw in your mind, you did not see a dog not chasing a car.  You saw a dog doing something else.  Why?  Because your mind must see something, not the lack of something.  So, you replace “chasing a car” with any other activity.  It doesn’t even matter which.  Therein lies the problem: unspecificity.

Are you OK with potentially receiving any and every conceivable possibility in the universe except for the one you “don’t” want?  I certainly hope not.

I’ve successfully dealt with my own severe depression on more than one occasion.  Each time, there has only been one way out:  I replaced what I was doing that lead to and perpetuated the depression.  There’s an old saying: “Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.”  You cannot always control pain or the source(s) thereof.  But suffering is purely the result of how you choose to respond to that pain.

If you find yourself wishing that your depression would go away, replace it.  Do something.  It almost literally does not matter what you replace it with (within reason, obviously).  Break up the brooding and non-specific feedback with something positive (i.e. concrete, rather than vague or unspecific).  Rather than dwelling on what is “wrong” with you (answer: nothing), get up, get out of yourself, and go for a walk.  Or plant a garden.  Or do the damn dishes.  Do something.  Eventually, you will reprogram yourself.  Bit. By. Bit.

Replace the vague nothingness with concrete somethingness.

Posted in Philosophy, Zen | Leave a comment



“Never Forget.”

The sentiment echoes especially loudly today, eleven years later.  And eleven years later, I find myself asking two questions: 

  1. What, precisely, are we to never forget?
  2. Does this never forgetting improve our world?

Regarding question #1, I think it is a natural, theraputic thing to keep alive in our hearts and minds the good memories associated with loved ones.  Hanging onto loss as a perpetual justification for war, however, is destructive to all.

What else are we to never let go of?  The fear?  The confusion?  The anger?  The distrust toward fellow humans?  The hatred?  The bloodlust?

“Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done.” – George W. Bush (9/20/01)

What exactly did President Bush mean by “justice?”  I personally believed it was just an emotional appeal for revenge cloaked in the metaphor of justice.  But I couldn’t really be expected to know that for certain thenNow, however, we have 11 years of historical context to reflect upon for wisdom.

Eleven years later, we are left with an ever-expanding TSA, Guantanamo Bay, NDAA 2012, signed by President Obama, which declares the Continental United States a war zone, drones over American cities, electronic domestic surveillance, unending wars, civil liberties trashed… all in the name of “justice?”

When does it end?  How does it end?  Does it end?

For the Jews and Christians in my rather limited audience, consider the following:

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. – Hebrews 8:12

Hebrews not your cup of tea?  How about some Isaiah?

I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. – Isaiah 43:25

If Yaweh chooses to forget sins that have been atoned for, why shouldn’t we strive to that level as well?  I know… you’ve got me on a technicality, right?  Those who did this to us never asked our forgiveness, and therefore are not eligible to receive it.  Right?  Ask yourself this:  Do we only forgive once our “enemy” has begged for it?  Or do we give forgiveness freely?  Which strives toward a more enlightened, evolved level?

I looked for equivalent sentiment in Buddhist thought, but Buddhism doesn’t appear believe in “sin” as the Judeo-Christian faiths define it.  I also looked for equivalents in Islam, but I’m so completely ignorant of the religion, I was also unsuccessful.  If you have any knowledge in this area, please leave a comment below.

Ultimately, my questions don’t even require that you have any particular religious or spiritual faith at all.  Just ask yourself one question:  What is the ultimate cost of never forgetting?

I don’t begrudge those who remember.  It certainly may still be way too early for many to forget, let alone forgive.  But never is a very long time.  Have we decided that we are never going to allow our world to return to peace?  Even after WWII, the most destructive war in recorded human history, the world is largely friendly with the aggressor nations.  The United States has very close relationships with Germany and Japan, despite their roles in the war.  To be certain, the attacks on 9/11 were not openly ordered by a nation-state, nor were they carried out by soldiers in easily-identifiable uniforms.  This does make things a little more tricky.  But difficult ≠ impossible.

Forgiveness is infinitely powerful and lethargic.  But it also requires complete vulnerability.  Perhaps it is still too early.  But never is a very long time.

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Dear News Media

Dear News Media:

Please stop trying to frighten us, especially mothers with small children.  Shame on you.

Please stop trying to be the first off the line to inappropriately lay blame at the feet of those who have no part in the tragedies you are supposed to be investigating.  You have no proof.  You are wrong.  You just want to be first to make the accusations.  You are liars.  Shame on you.

Please stop trying to incite local and federal officials to install metal detectors and implement searches in theaters.  Please stop trying to desensitize American citizens into willingly accepting a police state.  We’re already teetering on the edge as it is.  Shame on you.

Stop fanning the flames.  You are traitors to this country.  You are supposed to be on our side.  Shame on you all.

Posted in Firearms, Freedom, US | 4 Comments