Tokyo: Day I

My web connection is expensive and pay-by-the-day, so I don’t know how much I’ll be blogging while I’m here. If I can expense it all to work, I’ll post more and embellish my prose with (more) photos. In the meantime, network hackers that we are, we’ve set up a makeshift WiFi that we’re sharing between rooms.

Suffice it to say that I almost immediately felt at home again in Tokyo. I didn’t know what to expect, coming back here after being gone for so long… but I can already feel myself wanting to move back. How sad is that?

Since I got in a bit late, all I’ve had time for so far is to snap a few quick camera phone pictures and grab a bowl of OK ramen. Tomorrow, I hope to hit Asakusa and maybe Shibuya. If possible, I want to hit the Apple store and Loft in Shibuya. The word natsukashii* comes to mind.

The hotel is swank. I believe they’re hosting the G8 conference. Yeah… that swank. More to come.

* nostalgic

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