The Surprising Nature of Humor

I’ve come to the conclusion that in order for me to find something funny, it must surprise me.  If I can see a punchline coming from a mile away, I’m not going to laugh.  It isn’t that I “don’t have a sense of humor” (in quotes because I’ve been told that or don’t like to laugh… I love to laugh.  I just can’t force myself to laugh at things I don’t find funny.

Which brings me to TBS’s new offering “Sullivan and Son.”

Steve Byrne, half-Korean/half-Irish comedian, both created and stars as a titular character.  The show features a half-Japanese/half-Chinese-Scotish woman [Jodi Long], whose fake Korean accent borders between offensive and uncomfortable, playing his supposed Korean mother and a nondescript old white guy [Dan Lauria] playing his dad.  His sister is played by a woman [Vivian Bang] who is actually literally more Korean than the mother.

I absolutely love Steve Byrne’s standup comedy.  He consistently surprises me by combining different references that I’d never have come up with.  Consequently, I find myself laughing my happy ass off.  For instance, he told a joke the other night on Conan that juxtaposed his newborn sleeping baby girl with Hulk Hogan in a sleeper hold that nearly put me into a coma.

That taken into consideration, I naturally couldn’t wait to check out the debut of “Sullivan and Son.”

What a steaming pile of obvious.  Who wrote this garbage?  Who created the racist fake Korean accent?  One can see the jokes coming from 3 km away.  The punchlines practically scream, “HEY!  I’M A PUNCHLINE!  LAUGH AT ME (please)…”

But, if you’ve been dying to see Cheers meets All In The Family meets whatever that show was that Margaret Cho had minus laughter… knock yourself out.

I has a sad.  Ugh.

Posted in Humor, TV | Leave a comment

An Open Letter to @PennJillette

Dear Mr. Jillette,

On your recent episode of “Penn’s Sunday School,” you admonished us, your listeners, to reach out and contact our heroes while they are still able to answer (my words, not yours). Since my séance machine is in the shop, I figured that I’d better do it while you’re still alive and kicking. After all, one never knows when skin-skin might invade brain-skin, right?

So here I am. Reaching out.

I’m a 42 year old military veteran, language nerd (I’ve studied English, French, Russian, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese), martial artist, musician, and a bit of a hack songwriter/poet when the muse visits. I was born in Iowa, have lived in Japan for a lengthy period, and am now a resident of Phoenix, AZ, where I’m finishing my MA in Applied Linguistics at Arizona State University. My thesis is literally (literally-literally, as opposed to the pseudo-vernacular figuratively-literally) on the use of farts and poop as metaphor in children’s cartoons/literature in Japanese.

I’m not an atheist, but I’m also not a textbook theist, either. In fact, I’ve been called a Zen Christian by some folks. (I’m still trying to figure out what that means.) Ultimately, I’m a lowercase-L libertarian, and believe pretty firmly in live-and-let-live.

I’ve enjoyed your many appearances on TV and, especially, on Adam Carolla’s podcast. Needless to say, when I learned that you’d be doing your own weekly podcast, I subscribed hyperbolically instantly.

I’d love to see your Vegas show someday, and perhaps even meet you. Once I finish grad school (provided I don’t continue on to torture myself with PhD studies), time and money should open up a little bit and allow me to make the arduous 30 minute flight from Sky Harbor to McCarran.

If you’re ever in the Phoenix area, I’d love to show you my favorite places to eat and have some great conversations with you.


Michael Hacker

PS: Although I’m sure The Internet (insert ominous music here) has already spanked your tushie for misattributing the quote “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” to Plato (other sources attribute it to Philo of Alexandria), being the information junkie that you are, I figured you’d want to know that there are dueling attributions out there.

Posted in Entertain, HackerHaus, Humor, TV | Leave a comment

Sheriff’s Deputy Killed in Shootout

MCSO BadgeThis morning, William Coleman, a 20-year veteran deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, was killed in a shootout with a burglary suspect.  While this loss of a deputy is certainly tragic news, especially for his loved ones, I wouldn’t normally find myself feeling the need to write a blog about it.

Today, however, I found myself a little tweaked by the following statement made by Sheriff Joe Arpaio during an interview on the shooting:

“The suspect carried a semiautomatic rifle,” Arpaio said. “Coleman wore a vest, but such vests are no match for such weaponry,” he said.

In my opinion, what the Sheriff said is, at best, a flub.  At worst, it is irresponsible.  I’m just not sure which.  I certainly hope it was just a poor choice of words.

All that “semiautomatic” means is that a shooter has to pull the trigger once for each round fired, with the firing action clearing and reloading the chamber.  It doesn’t mean “machine gun” (i.e., automatic) or “select-fire” (i.e., has the option for auto or semi-auto).  It doesn’t mean “big scary gun that randomly sprays bullets at nuns and orphans.”  Nor does it mean “shoots through schools.”  In this instance, it seems to me that calling a rifle “semiautomatic” is really no more responsible or accurate than calling it an “assault” rifle (which really only means “really scary-looking” to the public).

I hope that the Sheriff is not using “semiautomatic” in the way that the media often uses it (i.e., as a multi-syllabic buzzword designed to scare the shit out of an already hoplophobic public).  I don’t imagine a lot of burglars are using bolt-action rifles or muzzle-loaded Revolutionary War relics these days.

HackerHaus’ Rule of Thumb: The more syllables used to describe a firearm, the more afraid you are supposed to be.  Which sounds scarier?  “Pistol” or “Semiautomatic Hand-Cannon?”

Is the Sheriff actually suggesting that such vests are useless against pretty much all rifles?  Or was this just a slip of the tongue?  Was he actually referring to the high-powered or penetrating qualities of the ammunition used?

A gun being “semiautomatic” has nothing to do with the penetrating power of the ammunition, nor do scary looks equal “dangerous.”  I really hope the Sheriff a) knows this and b) isn’t trying to use inflamed rhetoric to scare the citizens of Maricopa county.

[Full story]


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H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act

Remember president Obama’s NDAA 2012 signing statement?  Remember when he promised the following?

Second, under section 1021(e), the bill may not be construed to affect any “existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.” My Administration strongly supported the inclusion of these limitations in order to make clear beyond doubt that the legislation does nothing more than confirm authorities that the Federal courts have recognized as lawful under the 2001 AUMF. Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.

In a nutshell, the above was a “promise” from the president that, while he now technically has the authority to arrest you and throw you into a dark hole from which you will never escape and nobody will ever know about it, he won’t.  Since he has never broken a promise since taking office, I guess we can all take him at his word.  Of course, the next one might not be so trustworthy…

Well, now it appears that there’s another loophole in the works.  Ladies and Gentlemen, meet H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act.

Note the use of the word enemy.

“Representatives” Charlie Dent (R-PA) and Jason Altmire (D-PA) introduced the bill in the House on October 12, 2011.  In the Senate, Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Scott Brown (R-MA) introduced S. 1698.  Perhaps this slipped under the radar with all the hubbub over SOPA, NDAA, and Charlie Sheen’s Tiger Blood?

In case you aren’t familiar with the word “expatriation,” here’s a simple definition:

Expatriate: verb /ɛksˈpeɪtriˌeɪt/ – to banish (a person) from his or her native country.

Here’s how the language in H.R. 3166 itself describes its purpose: “To add engaging in or supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which United States nationals would lose their nationality.”

“Lose?”  Or “have it stripped from them?”  Words mean things, folks.

This bill, if passed and signed into law, would appear to give the president the right to simply take away your citizenship if said citizenship proved to be a problem.  Once that pesky citizenship nonsense is gone, it would seem that he would no longer be bound by the above promise.

In other words, the president now has an out:

Q.  You a U.S. Citizen?

A.  Yes, Mr. President.

Q.  Not any more.  Have fun in Guantanamo, suckah.


Posted in Freedom, US | Leave a comment

Iowa Nice

IowaWith Iowa getting its quadrennial 15 minutes of fame once again, the predictable plethora of pundits and politicians from all over the nation have crawled out of their mud holes once again, tripping over their tongues to explain the state to the rest of the country.  They seem to think they know a lot about my home state. They’re wrong.

Perhaps most famously, failed presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, who will never be president and should just quit now lest he further embarrass himself, said of the state: “They pick corn in Iowa… and pick presidents here in New Hampshire.”  (Psssst… If you didn’t notice the antennæ on the silos, they have TV in Iowa now.)

There is little more annoying to me than seeing a politician or pundit go to Iowa before the primary season, attempt to sound “down home,” munch on pork/corn products, and sincerely feign the giving of .0001 shits about the people there.

Think you know something about Iowa?  Scott Siepker, a graduate of my alma mater, Carroll High School, thinks you’re wrong.

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Posted in Iowa, Politics, Vote | Leave a comment

Happy New Year

Happy 2012 from the HackerHaus family.

May the Earth Dragon enter your home swiftly and resolutely through the back door, devouring that bastard of a Rabbit for second breakfast, then silently crapping out its bones for use as a tiny xylophone in a future episode of “Glee.”

Happy Year of the Dragon

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HackerHaus Manifesto 2012: Year of the Dragon Edition

For me (and others), the Year of the Rabbit was pretty crappy in a lot of ways.  Don’t get me wrong… being alive surely beats the alternative (I presume).  But, there are two faces to being alive: living and existing.  I survived 2011.  I existed, but I didn’t really do a lot of living.  Because of this, I have decided that 2012 will not be a repeat of 2011.

Those who know me, know that I’m not really a fan of manifestos.  I generally find them to be somewhat pompous and think that the time spent writing them could’ve almost always been better spent actually realizing the contents thereof.  And yet, here I am writing one of my own.

On top of that, I find New Years resolutions to be less than useful for a variety of reasons.  So, consider this the combination Pizza Hut/Taco Bell of manifestos/resolutions.  This is me, determining what and whom I want to become, starting in 2012, and publishing it for everyone to see, so that I might put myself at risk of incurring the manifesto nerd-rage of the entire internet, should I punk out.  (Failure is an option.  Quitting is not.)

My philosophy behind doing this is two-fold:

  1. I’m writing it because I need a clear picture.
  2. I’m publishing it because I want accountability.

In reading this, you may think that I’m talking to you (probably due, in no small part, to my ubiquitous use of the pronoun “you”).  But I’m not.  I’m me, giving me orders.  If you should find this the least bit useful, cool.  If not, cool.  But please keep in mind that it wasn’t written for you.

And with that, I bring you… HackerHaus Manifesto 2012: Year of the Dragon Edition

Fear is irrelevant.  “Hard” is a cop out.  Figure out what you need to do and do it.  I recently read the following:  “Do what you need to do so you can do what you want to do.”  I don’t know who wrote it, but there it is.

As much as possible, attempt to see and hear the world through the eyes and ears of others.  Prove yourself wrong at every possible occasion and adjust accordingly.

Be less of a dick. 
Work on recognizing when you intellectually, emotionally, and physically bully those who don’t deserve it (intentionally or not), and knock that shit off.  (However, keep the power to intimidate in reserve, just in case someone actually does need it.)  If someone asks for your opinion, dole it out sparingly.  If they don’t, zip it.  The motto:  When in doubt, shut the fuck up.

Be more awesome.
This doesn’t mean “try harder to look cool to others.”  This means “be the most awesome you you can be.”  The idea is to become the person that you, not necessarily others, would find completely awesome to be around.

Take better care of yourself. 
This extends to not only the physical, but spiritual, emotional, intellectual, nutritional, creative, and inquisitive realms as well.

Take better care of others.
‘Nuff said.

Learn at least one new human language.
Chinese, German, Arabic, Korean, and Spanish are options.  You don’t have to become fluent, nor do you have to have designs on traveling to a particular place.  Just do it for the sake of doing it.

Work on the human languages you already speak.
English, French, Russian, and Japanese.  You know your handwritten kanji blows, that your vocabulary is limited, that you’ve forgotten a lot of verb and grammar rules from Russian, and that your French has gone to crap.  You know it.  Now get to work.

Fail creatively.  And often.
Create.  Create more.  Finish things.  Spend more time with your guitar.  Write music. Finish music.  Record music.  Let people hear that music.  Write something.  Realize creative endeavors.  Creativity doesn’t mean shit if it remains trapped between your ears.

Finish school.  Start school.
Finish and defend your masters thesis, then commit to a PhD program and beat it into submission.

Learn how to plan better.

Clean your damn house.
This goes for maintaining your yard, too, smart ass.  Tackle tasks as they arise (before, if possible), not after they become monumental.

Get rid of unnecessary stuff.
Physical, emotional, mental, metaphorical.

Chop wood, carry water.
Do the practice, walk the walk, regardless of what the practice is.  Whether it’s Budo, playing scales, learning new songs, reading research papers, writing research papers, or practicing kanji.  Just shut up and do it.

Spend more time with your teachers and mentors.
And listen to them.

Get your shit together.
Look into the future career options you have been mulling over and start doing something concrete about it.  You know damned well you want to travel, experience new cultures, and learn more languages.  You’re not getting any younger… make it happen.

Spend more time with loved ones.
In the end, nothing in this world is more important.  If the measure of a man is the quality of the people who choose to share their life with you, then you’re doing pretty damned well.

Posted in Body, Budo, HackerHaus, Japanese, Language, Writing | Leave a comment

Kim Jong-un: The Un-cola

The Dear Leader is dead!
Long live the Dear Leader!

With the timely demise of his father, Kim Jong-un has been suddenly thrust into North Korea’s only working spotlight.  Jong-un is the youngest son of the recently croaked Kim Jong-il and annointed successor to the family trailer park throne.

He’s also a four-star general in the DPRK Army, Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party, and a member of the Central Committee.  And he isn’t even 30 yet.  Kinda makes you feel like a slacker, doesn’t it?  (Yes, I’m talking to you, Ryan Reynolds.)

Kim Jong-un probably tortures more political prisoners before 5am than you do all day.

Rumor has it that the official nickname for the presumptive pudgy potentate, lovingly pre-shoved down the throats of his doting minions, will be “The Brilliant Comrade.”  While it does have a certain old-world communism-y ring to it, I’d like to offer a few humble suggestions of my own:

  • Dear Leader 2: Electric Boogaloo (The 김정은 Edition)!
  • The Beer Leader
  • Korean Peter Griffin
  • Kungdungi Punim
  • My Little Dictator
  • Generalissimo James Franco
  • Penis Potato Head
  • Kim Jong-Kardashian
  • Everybody Pyongyang Chung Tonight
  • buh…
  • Soft Kitty
  • Kim Jor-El
  • The Pasta King of Hoboken

and… my personal favorite…

  • Lady Gogi

Out with the old, in with the new old.  All he needs is the ajumma fro and a pair of Elvis’ old sunglasses, and he’ll be ready to rule.  감사합니다.  정말 감사합니다.

If you have your own ideas for nicknames for our new pal, please leave them in the comments section below (not on Facebook or Twitter, chucklehut).  The world awaits.

Posted in Humor, N. Korea | 2 Comments

R.I.P. Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights

Born: Dec 15, 1791
Died: Dec 15, 2011
Aged:  220 years (exactly)

Hyperbole?  Perhaps.  But it’s my blog, and I’ll write whatever the hell I want (while I still can).

The first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution are commonly known as the “Bill of Rights.”  This moniker is somewhat unfortunate, as it is not a collection of individual “rights,” but rather a list of restrictions on the powers of the Federal government.

How are these “rights” doing these days?  I’m glad you asked.  (Otherwise, I’d have stopped writing by now.)

The First Amendment seems to be in pretty bad shape lately.  One has but to look around at how certain state and local governments have been treating the #OWS movement.

“Are you smoking crack, HackerHaus?  That’s local government, not Federal.”

Yes, I’m aware of that.  But as long as the Federal government does nothing to dissuade the unreasonable reprisals (I do think that some of them have been reasonable) we’ve seen perpetrated against some of the protestors by local governments, this one would appear to be on life support.

It’s also kinda hard these days to disagree with the current President without being labeled a racist.  (Somewhat amusingly, making the conversation about race, when it isn’t about race at all, actually is racist.)

Then, there’s the issue of internet censorship.

“Are you high on airplane glue, HackerHaus?  The Internet has opened up free speech to millions all over the world, even playing a huge role in the overthrow of oppressive regimes in the Middle East.”

Enter: the Stop Online Piracy Act [H.R. 3261], which will allegedly allow the Federal government to “censor” portions of the internet.  Other phrases often thrown about are “PROTECT IP Act” and “internet kill switch.”  Go on… google ’em.

While the first amendment to this bill states “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to impose a prior restraint on free speech or the press protected under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution,” it is hard to deny that it appears to put into place a mechanism by which this exact imposition could be exercised.

Depending on where you live, the Second Amendment is either in pretty good shape or completely non-existent.

“Are you cooking up meth in your non-existent basement again, HackerHaus?  Those are State governments deciding they don’t want an armed citizenry, not the Federal government.  Besides, guns kill people.”

First off, your anthropomorphized fantasy guns neither exist, nor do they kill people.  People kill people, using a variety of tools ranging from guns to knives to rocks to fists to the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) to Glenn Danzig.  Until you (yeah, you) can heal the human heart, people are going to continue murdering each other.  That understood, you can either make the choice to maintain the means to defend yourself or to be a sheep who relies on others to save them in times of need.  (That choice is yours.  Please do not attempt to make my choice for me.)

Let’s be clear:  The Second Amendment is not about protecting the rights of rednecks to keep rifles in their pick-em-up trucks so they can go a-huntin’ fer deer.  The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment is an individual right, and again in McDonald v. Chicago that it applies to the individual States.  But still, the issue of CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) remains largely unaddressed.

One thing that gives me a faint glimmer of hope for the future of CCW is the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act [H.R. 822], which would compel all States to recognize all legal concealed carry permits issued by other states.  Of course, such a bill will probably never pass a Democrat-controlled Senate, nor will a Democrat President ever sign it, but it’s nice to fantasize.  The sick irony of this bill is that, were it to pass, I would be able to legally carry a concealed firearm in California under my Arizona CCW… but my friends who actually live there would still be screwed.

I don’t understand why this law is even necessary in the first place.  Why isn’t the so-called “Full Faith and Credit Clause” (Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution) enough?  This clause requires that all states recognize marriage licenses, divorces, drivers licenses, birth certificates, etc., generated by the other States, yet somehow doesn’t apply only to lawfully-issued CCW permits?  Huh?

Now, it would seem that the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments and Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385) may also be in danger.  Enter: the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 [H.R. 1540].

“Are you playing limbo with the newlywed ghosts of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hitler again, HackerHaus?”

This bill, according to CBS News would give the military “a front line role in domestic terrorism cases” and would give the President “discretion in implementing these new provisions.” Per CBS, “the bill never expanded the authority to detain American citizens indefinitely without charges,” but admitted that “proponents said the legislation would codify court decisions finding the President does have the authority to declare ‘enemy combatants,’ as commander-in-chief and under the post-9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force against al Qaeda and its allies.”

War on Drugs, anyone?  How many people have been wrongfully imprisoned and had their money and assets confiscated (and never returned, even upon acquittal) on the mere suspicion of being a drug dealer?

To quote the noted historian and philosopher Bruce Willis (as Major General William Devereaux), “The Army is a blunt instrument.  It’s no good for surgery.”

Even the Arabic-language news network Al Jazeera spoke out against this bill, saying “[t]hey’re also already defending the idea that you can extinguish citizen rights in various places if someone is suspected of being a terrorist. So, for example, Al Awlaki was a US citizen, and the claim is that you can engage in a targeted assassination even of a US citizen that contests whether or not he or she is a suspected terrorist.”

“Have you been huffing Slim Whitman again, HackerHaus?  The Obama administration has promised not to use this power.”

Maybe someday, I’ll write another post outlining all of the major promises Presidents have made, then later broken.  Like, after I finish my PhD and have nothing else to do for about a month.  Outlining President Obama’s broken campaign promises alone would require hours.  (Fortunately for my poor little fingers, a Google search for “Obama broken campaign promises” already turns up over 600,000 hits for your reading pleasure.)

Allow me to quote from the Fifth Amendment:

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

And Sixth:

“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”

Exactly what part of this is unclear?  Maybe I’m not educated enough to be confused.  I certainly hope SCOTUS has something to say about this before things get out of hand.

Please keep in mind that the President of the United States, who campaigned on closing down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, actually insisted that H.R. 1540 designate the Continental United States as a battleground and American Citizens as viable detainees, and threatened to veto it otherwise.  Some say this is just in there to clear up ambiguities in existing laws and to get their asses out of the fire for killing Al Awlaki.  If that is the case, I really don’t know how to feel about it.

In the House, 283 (190 Republicans/93 Democrats) voted for the bill, but only 136 (43 Republicans/93 Democrats) voted against.  I’m proud to say that my Representative, David Schweikert, voted no.  Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi voted yes.  So did Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee.  Somewhat strange to me is that Speaker John Boehner and Representatives Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul seem to have not voted.  How did your Representatives vote on H.R. 1540?

If you’re against 1540, and your representative voted no, please contact them and say “thanks.”  Conversely, if your representative voted yes, why not let them know how you feel?  Or better yet, send them packing in November.  Ya know… I wish there were a space on ballots for voters to explain to those voted out exactly why they were voting them out, and that the vanquished were required, by law, to read all of them publicly.  (And maybe to write “I will not be a douchebag” 300 million times on the chalkboard after school.)

Regardless of whether any of these are actually signed into law, and how these laws are interpreted and executed, the mere fact that our elected representatives sure seem to be up to some sneaky shit (again) should concern you.  It concerns me.

Posted in Firearms, Freedom, Politics, US, Vote | 3 Comments

My Take on the 2012 GOP Candidates

Perhaps you’ve been losing sleep wondering what I think about the current field of GOP candidates for the 2012 election. Perhaps this lack of sleep has degraded your health to the point where you have sought out experimental medical treatment in a back alley, resulting in your becoming a zombie. Well, munch brains no more, my friend.

Now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for:  My take on the current GOP candidates.

Michele Bachmann

All I can say about Michele Bachmann is that Crazy and Ignorant do not mix.  (Or maybe they do… if you are also Crazy and Ignorant.)  I don’t say this to disparage Ms. Bachmann personally.  I actually believe she may be a little Crazy.  Certainly, she’s Ignorant.  Neither of those alone is necessarily a bad thing.  But when you have the national spotlight, coupled with millions (if not hundreds of trillions) of people in this country who are dissatisfied with the current situation, this becomes potentially dangerous.  Add to that the fact that many of these upset people are also Crazy and Ignorant, and you’ve got the fixin’s for a Massive Goulash of Destruction.

Pandering to fear and paranoia is never a lost art.

When she uses her Ignorant brain to push Crazy thoughts out of her mouth-hole, some people actually listen and think she makes sense.  This alone should scare the shit out of you.  At least, with Palin not running, Bachmann has cornered the market on the sought-after Crazy and Ignorant, Yet Still Doable Vote.

Herman Cain

I like some things about Herman Cain.  I like that he succeeded on his own and seems to believe that if he can, so can you.  I like that he doesn’t blame our problems on others, but on us.  I generally tend to agree.

I also like the fact that he, as a Conservative Black Guy™, really gets under the skin of the so-called tolerant leftists.  I find it interesting to watch how the mainstream media and left-wing in this country treat him.  (It actually doesn’t seem all that much different from how they treated Candidate Obama in the early days.)

However, if you’re going to go around groping the ladies, Mr. Cain, you might want to take a lesson from president Clinton’s foibles.  Admit it.  Proudly.  Repeat after me, Mr. Cain:  “Hell yeah, I nailed that shawty.  She was droppin’ it like it’s hot, and I was all like…” (OK, I admit, I really don’t know how this slang is supposed to work.)

Wait, on second thought… I remember getting in trouble once at a Godfather’s Pizza.  Never mind… screw Cain.

 Newt Gingrich

Wait.  This guy again?  Wouldn’t electing Newt (giggle) be akin to the Russkies calling Putin out of “retirement?”  (Not for ideological reasons, but more for “this guy again?” reasons.)

Newt certainly isn’t Ignorant.  But I have to call into question the sanity of someone named Newton Leroy Gingrich thinking that going by “Newt” is somehow less creepy.  It’d be like someone named Dave Hapsburg calling himself  “Hap” or something.  (Apologies to Dave “Hap” Hapsburg if he’s out there.)

 Jon Huntsman


(Never trust a John who spells his name “Jon”)

[skipping over a bunch of people who don’t have a snowdecahedron’s chance in hell…]

Jimmy McMillan

Yessir.  The rent is too damn high.  (Unfortunately, I don’t rent, so this doesn’t really concern me.)

I’d elect this guy just to scare the living shit out of every other country on Earth that has ever looked as us cross-wise in a singles bar.

[skip, skip, skip…]

Ron Paul

I like Ron Paul.  I like much of what he says.  I like his consistency.  I like the fact that he has two first names and rugged elf-wizard good looks.  I especially like the fact that, despite winning (or placing near the top in) pretty much every damn staw poll he’s been in so far, the media literally (literally-literally, not figuratively-literally) just skips right the hell over him much like you skipped over the brainiac kid with zits and cooties when picking people to be on your dodgeball team in elementary school.

One thing I find really interesting is how much many on the right side of the aisle dislike Dr. Paul.  He’s a military veteran (flight surgeon in the USAF during the Vietnam War).  He’s so fiscally conservative, he makes even the staunchest Republican look like a drunken, spend-thrift fratboy (Bush, anyone?).  What could it be that they don’t like?  Hmmm… maybe the whole thing about not sending troops overseas to blow shit up and kill people unless we really need to?

Dr. Paul is particularly palatable to not only some people on the right, but also many on the left and in the middle.  I suspect this scares the the jeggings off the establishment.

Some on the left are uneasy over his stand on abortion.  C’mon folks… having a personal belief in something doesn’t necessarily mean that you must force it on others… right??  (See what I did there, lefties?)

Rick Perry

Seems like an asshole to me.  I wonder if he shouldn’t spell his name with a silent P.

Mitt Romney

Unlike Newt, Mitt is actually this guy’s real name.  Well, sorta.  It’s his middle name.  His first name is Willard.  That’s right.  Willard Mitt Romney.  Were this my name, I think I’d have gone for Wil (spelled with the single, hipster final “l”).

While Romney has claimed he would work to repeal the so-called Obamacare legislation, he has his own state-run healthcare hanging around his neck.  Gonna be kinda hard to take him seriously.  Plus there’s that whole supposed 30% of Republicans (evangelicals) won’t vote for a Mormon thing.

Rick Santorum

I think Rick Santorum should change his first name to something like “Flavius.”  Wouldn’t you vote for a guy named “Flavius Santorum?”  (I sure hope that doesn’t mean “braised pork ribs” in Latin.  On second thought, braised pork ribs are kinda awesome.)  I could totally see him taking the oath shirtless, wearing one of those Spartan skirt-thingies.  With a shield.  That. Would. Rock.  (If he’s going to do this, he should probably start doing crunches… just in case.)

Or maybe he could change it to “Sanctum.”  “Ladies and Gentlemen… President of the United States Sanctum Santorum.”  (Yes, folks, I know that it’s really called “Sanctum Sanctorum.  I’m not stupid.  But just in case you are, I feel the need to point out that this is humor, not accurate reporting.)

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“That’s all I have to say about that.” ~ Socrates

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